오늘의 생활영어 – 감사(선물)
2018. 5. 16. 09:56
선물 고마워요.
Thank you for the gift.
약소하지만 받아 주세요.
Here's a little something for you.
좋은 선물 감사합니다.
Thank you, what a wonderful gift.
작은 성의예요.
It's just a small token.
갖고 싶었던 물건이에요.
It's just what I wanted.
축하 선물을 가져왔어요.
I brought a gift for you.
This is a gift for you.
이거, 제게 필요했던 거예요.
It's just what I needed.
축하 선물이에요.
This is a present for you.
멋진 선물 고마워요.
Thank you for the wonderful gift.
필요했던 물건이에요.
It's just what I needed.
고맙지만 받을 수 없어요.
Thank you, but I cannot accept this.
보잘것없지만 받아 주세요.
It's small, but please accept this gift.
(당신에게 드리는) 선물이에요.
It's a present for you.
(당신이) 좋아하니 기뻐요.
I'm happy that you like it.